FileLister is a small open-source, simple and lightweight tool that allows you to list all files in a directory and all subdirectories recursively and export this to the list in text, XML or HTML formats. The particularity of FileLister is to be expected to be "portable" and be placed directly at the root of the directory that we want to list. Thus, if one regularly wants to export a list of all the files present on a hard disk, it will be enough to deposit at its root a copy of the executable file of FileLister, and the list will be generated automatically at each launching of the program.

It was developed by Christophe Leblanc in Java / JavaFX using Netbeans.


List a directory:

Copy the executable (the .jar file) to the root of the directory to list and launch it.

Export list:

Click on the button corresponding to the export format and choose the directory of the generated file.



FileLister is programmed in JAVA (version 8 - JDK 1.8) using NetBeans (last version used in the project: 8.1). It does not depend on any external library. The user interface is managed by JavaFX.


This program is free software. It is distributed in hope that it will be useful, WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS, but also WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. You are free to redistribute it and/or modify.



Creative Commons License

This document by Christophe Leblanc is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.